When I look at happy photographs like this one of Eva and Mosh, taken just after we had completed their Renewal of Vows Ceremony at Avebury, I feel a true sense of achievement.
In this case I was especially lucky; I had been the celebrant at their Handfasting Ceremony a year ago. We all got to know each other really well, which made planning this ceremony even more of a pleasure.
All my ceremonies are unique and crafted to suit the couple and their special celebration. I enjoy reading and researching, so by the time I start to write, I have quite a large pile of books by my side! A ceremony takes many hours to write because I want it to be perfect.
Eva and Mosh were involved in every aspect of their ceremony. We met up at Avebury to check that all was well with their special stone, we discussed poems and readings and they had written their own vows. I like to give my couples a little gift, so I made them a little circlet of lucky hag stones, to hang in their garden.
On the day of their ceremony, I was up early, picking the herbs, leaves and flowers ready for their sacred circle. I try to choose flowers and plants that resonate with my couples and their story.
Finally, everything is prepared and ready. All my couples are given a special copy of their ceremony and their vows to keep. The colours of the ribbons matched their Handfasting cords. For Eva and Mosh I also made a special wand of Rosemary to use when I was calling the quarters of their Sacred Circle.
I always like to arrive very early and spend some quiet time preparing myself for the ceremony. It is such an important moment in people’s lives and it is an honour to be part of their celebration.
All the hard work and preparation is worthwhile when I see my couples happy with their ceremony and enjoying their special day.